The Story of
WELLBERA is Nature Itself
A BETTER AND HIGHER LIFE, A better and healthier life is the goal we are trying to achieve through this brand.
The Making of WELLBERA
For a healthier life!
Throughout our 30 years of business producing and providing health products, we have been able to figure out what our customers truly need. And through endless efforts of research and development, we have been able to come up with an answer.
A guide to a healthier life style
Each country has their own guidelines and standards which when followed, enable citizens to lead a healthier life. Unfortunately there wasn’t enough research done for our country in the past, and it was in need of change for the better. We at WELLBERA, are here to make that change.
The ways of Nature
No matter how extreme the environment may be, nature always finds a way to adapt. That is the secret ingredient to WELLBERA. As an example, Ogapi is well known to withstand harsh environments, strong sunlight, and pests. In order to do so, it produces chemicals for protection. When these chemicals are ingested into the human body, they are known to help cell regeneration, helping the body to fight off diseases, and produce anti-aging effects. Like the Ogapi, nature has many valuable resources, and it is what makes WELLBERA special.

The Eco forest within the WELLBERA farm
The WELLBERA farm is located in a pure environment, far from any artificial influence.
Kept how nature should be
No chemicals are ever used on the WELLBERA farm, and we only use natural ways to deal with any kind of nuisance.
Preserving good quality seeds
After 30 years of constant research and development, we have found ways to run numerous tests in an eco-friendly way, we have also found ways to preserve and cultivate good quality seeds.